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  • Protecting Against Loss of Income

    Protecting against the loss of income requires proactive planning and a multifaceted approach. By implementing these strategies, you can create a more secure financial future and reduce the impact of unexpected income loss.

  • Medical and Dental Expenses and Taxes

    happy familyUnderstanding the tax implications of medical and dental expenses can help you optimize your healthcare spending and reduce your tax liability. If you have specific questions or unique circumstances, consulting with a tax professional or financial advisor is advisable to ensure compliance and maximize your benefits.

  • A Consumer's Guide to Identity Theft Insurance

    Social Security Card protected with a padlockIdentity theft insurance can be a valuable tool in your financial safety arsenal, particularly in an age where personal data is increasingly at risk. 

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MembersFirst Credit Union of Florida
NMLS #405711
Members First Credit Union of Florida is not affiliated with Members First Credit Union (Kentucky)

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